beautiful toilets-art is everywhere in vienna
wien-vienne-vienna, kunst-art-art; this city is just a fall into art.
beginning with the toilets in the house of “hundertwasser” a crazy architect, one of the first considering that nature, green and ecology can enter into our homes.
toilets are not only a place with white clean walls with a toilet bowl in a corner.
you can belive it: i went there more than twice….more art at vienna just next:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
to see the beauty of art in vienna you need more than 3 days.
the albertina museum from dürer, to basquiat, kokoschka, klimt and and and…
the belvedaire with the most wide show of klimt paintings, the leopold ….too much to see, but in the difference to lisboa, very less tourists (it was beginning of may)
there was almost nobody at the fabulous hundertwasser house, an extraordinary place of real architect creation.
he was also a painter and just next door a kind of “social lower rent building” designed by him.
a must go place to understand that austria has designer, creative art, good food, tasting wine and nice places….europa at his best !
all pictures by albi with leica q and nikon d5