love in wuzhen
wuzhen is 1 1/2 hour by car from hangzhou, hangzhou is 1 hour from shanghai or 2 hours by plane from guangzhou, so it’s a bit in the middle of nowhere…
but wuzhen is a city on the water, a kind of a little venice, with an international theatre festival, where you can see “godot”, “der spieler” or “shakespeare” (with chinese subtitles):
you see everything is possible in china today:

this is my 11th trip to china, this time all pictures are with my leica q, all in black and white, have a look to the new world of china:
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
thanks for visiting my story from wuzhen, first of all: chinese people and her cellphone are now “unseparatly“, most have two phones!
and new this time: all two wheel drives are now electric, i mean in 10 days i have not seen any 2 or 3 wheel drive with gasoline; can they change in twelve month a country?
yes they can, you see we are in the new world, all electric is possible, but what the hell they did with the old bikes?? that is exactly the point of question you will never get a real answer,
you take the plane home to europe, to the old world with more and more questions…
the pictures have been arranged with lightroom and silver efex pro (i took the ilford fp4)
see you soon with more pictures by albi
thanks for your visit !