you can travel all around the world but finally: paris is paris !
their isn’t another place in the world where you can see more, photography more,
have more culture, more livestyle…but over all: more culture!
this is the first part of my visit of paris all pictures with the leica q, af-s, iso auto…
you are in a hurry? see only the gallery down here, for more information please scroll down for details:
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
this year i didn’t take holidays in july and august, i wanted to visit paris, but paris only with a leica q, a small camera, in france we called it “passe-partout” (a kind of “goes everywhere easy”) nobody cares when you make a shoot and i just will let you know that it is the more and more difficult to take pictures in europe; many people don’t want to been taken in the city, they speak about private sphere and get quick very angry against “street photographers”; in two month of shooting street in paris i didn’ got any problem!
i also have a nikon d5, but i think in street photography the leica q is better and helps a lot to be just “invisible” and “inaudible” : have a look
two young girls do their first shootings in the “petite ceinture” a lost place inside of paris, this railway line is closed since 40 years and a kind of no mans land, the ideal playground of graffiti and photographers
malakoff, 2 km outside of paris and till end of september: “le grand 8” a kind of stand up exposition about street artists and a “hipster” feeling, don’t miss it ! more informations here:
normally my wife is a kind of vegan freak, but with my leica she can almost go to the olympics –;))) a sunday afternoon in early july; paris let you dreaming the artists are on the walls and on place, selling art right now! inside the exposition a little move to paris 7ème, my favorite place in paris: the rodin museum! rainer maria rilke was his “left hand”; both lived in this place, just amazing!!, if you have to visit one place in paris, it’s here and nowhere else, more art and culture you will not find somewhere else… inside of the rodin museum, what can i say? there is also “the kiss”, a must see … outside in the garden, next to all those beautiful sculptures is a place to take a drink and have a rest, you have to digested all those art…more information here:
next stop: mona lisa, yes! in those difficult moments in paris it’s time to re-visit the classics, mona isn’t all the louve and did you kow that if you see all items in the louvre 15 seconds you need four days? 35 km of expositions and a great, a real great place … you need more time to see all, but where can you see more art in the world? more informations here:
paris without picasso? a no go! new opened and almost empty today…don’t give the dijadists reason!, i don’t know any artist who is like pablo an “alround artist”, he did all kind of styles and this place will let you discover some of them, you will be surprised:
museums and smartphones are now going hand in hand, my leica has such a quiet shot that i can shoot next to him and nobody cares, do that with a canon, or my nikon: it is not the same…the soft “clic” changes your way tattoos are everywhere! another subject i can write pages….to make it short: for me it’s ugly: you are not nice? with a tattoo you aren’t more nice… “la bnf” is my next stop, the library my mitterand, since 30 years the place of books, but don’t go on rainy days, the floor out of wood is more than dangerouse! sunday morning work-out at bnf a place to make street photos, but not only, the lines and the architecture is a subject by his own: la bnf this is the new face of paris, have a look:
infront of the bnf is a beautiful bridge called “pont de bercy” another place in paris to feel art, architecture and great visions from haussmann style next stop: boulevard saint germain, the armani shop is closed for renovation and the “garçon” from world famouse “lipp café” did smoke a cigarette….simple picture but this is real “street” for me: you see the background, you wait and suddenly: the picture! of course you are ready, settings made before, just need to do the “clic”… passing the “rue de saintes pères” you find “rue de verneuil” the mecque of french musique, the house of serge, still a must go for the fans all over the world of “je t’aime, moi non plus” more than music, more, much more: a monument of art and songs well done: we miss you serge! this is a part of france, liberty of writing, liberty of words and liberty of free expression! next stop rue de guénégaud, paris 6ème, art gallerys everywhere, you can see mccurry at got, araki at kamel menour, salgado at yann arthus bertrand, the taschen library and and and… and at he same place you push a door and you feel like in another place… saturday at “fondation louis vuitton”, have alook at:
in fact the building is just amazing, but inside the way through the expositions and the rooms aren’t perfect (i am not alone with this feeling) here is modern art museum with the room of “duffy”: you can spend 20 minutes in this room to see all those details… outside of the museum just infront of the seine and the eiffel tower…did you need more details to go? details of the building, more information here:
difficult to read, difficult to photograph but easy to understand and to agree–;)) southern part of paris, the 13ème close to bld kellermann has a lot of street paintings same place, he put his small stickers on the paintings, take a picture and put on the web, strange people everywhere ! next stop the “petite ceinture” in the 12ème arrt of paris, there is a small street where you can find easy the way in: “villa du bel air”
thanks for your visit to part 1 of “a tribute to paris with leica q“
this year we had about less 10-15% of tourists in paris (officialsay….) me i think we had much more less of visitors, but in the other way: it’s the moment to come and enjoy, in all museums now you have place, to go in you need only some minutes, there is no line and no crowdy place…
see you soon for part 2 and see you soon in paris !
if you need any information feel free to send me a message….