gay pride in paris 2014 – by albi

gay pride in paris 2014 - by albi

welcome to the gay pride in paris, edition 2014 with albi:

not only gay, trans, bi or lesbian: all kind of people asking for more freedom and understanding for each other…

bi or not bi; the real question was: can i live in freedom?

it was just creamy like a single malt; please have a look:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…

it was raining, but i was happy with my d4s and the 70-200mm – 2/8, strong rain: no problem, just need to clean a bit and to shoot again

thanks for visit “gay pride in paris 2014 – by albi”,

merci for your feetback, see you soon with more pictures by albi

see more at:

freedom, gay pride, liberty. gay, paris, people

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