kids from uganda – by albi
welcome to uganda!
uganda is one of the youngest country in the world; kids are everywhere, some familys have 7, eight or more children.
to stop and change this the gouvernment of uganda gives free school for the first three children of a family, all others can not go to school or must pay a lot;
have a look, pictures with nikon df and the nikon d4s:
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
thank’s for your vist,
i hope you enjoy my kids from uganda, a very green country with
a lot of agriculture, on the ways to see the mountain gorillas,
those kids just live very close to them,
we went to a camp where the gorillas just sleeped the day before in the camp,
so you never know, they move and you can cross them every day…
next post will be children from uganda in black and white – have nice holidays !