usa road signs – pictures by albi: welcome to my new post !!
last autumn during a road trip with friends from las vegas to the grand canyon, monument valley and bryce canyon..i have seen all those signs on the road,
and suddenly my eyes loved all these grafic designs in those beautiful landscapes
when you say roads and usa you definitely think to endless highways, road signs, big trucks and beautiful landscapes
the title of this post should be more “roads, signs and landscapes of the usa”; but have a look:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
thanks to amar
amar took us around and give us also those feetbacks about american way of living, feeling and to understand this country, yes you need feedback, not only read the news,
america is much more complicate than republic or democrates, it’s a way of living who didn’t fits into a mind of a pro-europeen mind like me…
we are just different: they are all strangers in a beautiful landscape and dream about the old world, we live in the old world and dream about those landscapes…
you see: life is bad made, never perfect, but i hope you enjoyed my pictures..see you soon with more pictures by albi