stephane in love with budapest
you don’t know me, i am stephane from belgium, bruxelles, i love folkloric danses (yes !!) and with this story you will now enter into my life and know me better;
with albi and pictures by albi you will disover myself and this extraordinary city
of buda – pest, yes there is a river who seperates “buda” from “pest”, like “steph” is different to “ane”, in fact: really ??? hihihihi
if you don’t want to hear my proplems to find shoes (i wear 47 large), or find a bermuda for the beach (i am over-sized),
don’t want to hear the story of my new girlfriend xavière, best selling sandwich girl in town (bruxelles)…
i told him about “stephane in love with budapest”
but he don’t want to listen to my private life…he prefers smoking grass and drink beers…girls are always the same !!!
so please join me to this trip to budapest:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
thank you, and thank you to albi to made my trip so special! how can i say thank you? his nikon and leica pictures so well done…
yes i am a bit jalouse about his australian friend called brian, jalouse about the way he get close to all those girls, me stephane, young boy from belgium,
i have some problems to join strangers, albi just put me into her hands!!! what a feeling…and suddenly everybody loves me, even with my big feets and my
outfit so un-dressed…but: stephane in love with budapest is my story !!!
by the way didn’t i told you that i love my dog ? isn’t that a sign of my big tail?
and my green hat, a kind of sign too, perhaps i have too much signs at all…
and i didn’t take any picture !!!! uuuuuh albi took all of them with his leica q and his nikon d5;
what a boy !
if you want more details of my life, please leave a message down….
i miss you, but: see you soon at albi’s blog: pictures by albi
2 Comments. Leave new
Stephane’s response:
First of all, i’m sorry for the less casess: I am Belgian!! Fortunately, I can count on my friend Albi to give me some culture (During my travels by train).
I loved going to the agriculture party. I should have taken the flower man to the house
Yes! My feet are great !!! I went to CLIF, and the big boss did not manage to find shoes at my size (41 large)
But with my feet I can easily do folkloric dances with beautiful traditional dresses!
I’m not jealous of your Australian friend Brian … because I’m much more beautiful than him !!! Even without makeup!
I love my dog as much as my friend Albi. They have almost the same hairs on the head 🙂
In Belgium, we like the sausages of the market, the beer and the sandwich with ham butter (prepared by xavière). The results: red face, difficulty to sit on a single chair and a XXL tile for the bikini.
I dream, I dream of the perfect body … but even with my excess, women like to caline and pose on the photos with me.
So! “Don’t look at my tail, enjoy the vieuw!!”
Thank you my best friend ALBI for this fabulous trip to Budapest
PS: I love Prince / Princess shoes…
dear stephane,
thank you for loosing 2 hours in your live to send me your comment;
it’s like honey for me !
yes stephane was so smart on this trip and didn’t ask me anything…
he was a perfect partner to me!
don’t dream about a perfect body, a perfect mind will do everything!
think about the little prince:
only with the heart you can see….