utah usa, one morning of november 2016 …
we leave bryce canyon in the morning, it is – 18 ° c
on the way to las vegas, the glittering light in the desert
one passes on wide roads, empty villages and in the gardens an indescribable bric à brac! america is not always pretty.
the rare women and the men on our way make me think of my nikon d5, too big, too heavy, their cars is like a 500mm f / 4, at first desirable but quickly cumbersome …
we are 5 amateur photographers including three with leica q. suddenly on the road after a long turn:
the graveyard of american cars!
it still exists, this america that gives you after three hours of nothing, absolutely nothing a sudden pleasure to get out your leica and to do two hours of images … head empty, the world no longer exists only a thought for the framing, the light, the speed then the diaphragm …
happiness exists!

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
all pictures taken with the leica q, f/1;7, now in our group we are three to have a leica,
the time is coming to change, leave the heave stuff at home and with 700 g you can make enough nice pictures…
thanks my four photo friends on the last picture, taken at zion national parc, we had a great time in nevada, arizona and utah, soon more pictures on my blog about stones, wide land and the strange feeling that there are now only chinese and japonese tourists around the world: welcome to the era of selfies!
4 Comments. Leave new
Hi Albi,
N° 6 is THE one I like. It is original, and you appear slightly in the left angle of the window.
It seems you dominate your Q :)) Have you shot your first 10 000 photos?
Hello Gelbvater, thank you !! in fact i didn’t have seen me, my eye was just focused to the wheel….close to the 5 000, next session on sunday 18, see you –;))
Dear Albrecht,
It is a real pleasure to read you blog and to watch your pictures. There are all very nice and they show exactly the feeling we had in the village.
It was so great to see you guys playing in the car graveyard in a completely lost and remote area of Utah. You were like kids who discoverd toys under the Christmas tree.
You are a very gifted and talented photographer. I like the way you see the world. I hope to see you soon.
All my best for the year 2017.
hello amar,
thanks again, yes, like kids under the christmas tree: you just found the right words –;))) see you soon xxx