petite ceinture paris: visit paris with albi

petite ceinture paris: visit paris with albi

what is the “petite ceinture”? “the small belt” is an old railway line who makes a turn all around paris (30 km !! ) but inside of paris.

from outside to inside you have “the peripherique” a kind of highway around paris, more inside there is the “boulevards des Maréchaux”: an old highway in the 60th and then you have the “petite ceinture” a railway line around paris.

since 20 or 30 years no railway passed here, it’s a kind of no men’s land, forbitten to enter and the playground of street artists and young people to breath another air and feel free: you don’t hear anything, no noise, you are inside and really outside of the city, birds, nature and green all around.  a forbidden place but you can breath the liberty….all pictures with my new leica q; special thanks to “gb” the street artist who explained me the art and the codes of doing grafitti:

petite ceinture paris - by albi

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…

a saturday afternoon in paris, close to the parc “georges brassens” in the 15th arrt of paris ( there is a second hand book market every saturday and sunday; i recommand !! ) you can join this unknown place of paris, (ok, you have to pass over a little wall…) and you feel just in another world and i wish that the city of paris will open all this place for much more public, let the green come in to paris !!!

all pictures with my new leica q, with a fix lens 28 mm 1/1;7; now some words about the leica q:

it took me 4 weeks to get a big friend to this camera, in many blogs you can read about the “leica fevrer”:

you have to be different…

take other pictures…,

be somebody else with a leica…

with a leica i make different pictures…

it’s just amazing !!!

i can tell you my opinion:

ok, you have now a leica and you keep care, the autofocus isn’t a nikon d5, the light is different (you have a 28mm !! …but you keep care and you just change your attitude to take the pictures, you take a step back to th 80th, light, focus and frame: you think more about it and you take more care about the “clic”, that’s it!, the camera gives you the border that a “normal” nikon doesn’t give to you and so you keep more attention to the best “clic” you can make…

but: if you don’t know what to “shoot” and why you “shoot” a leica will not make you a better photographer…!!!

by the way: to stroll around paris without 5 kg it’s just the perfect camera! thanks for your visit and see you soon at pictures-by-albi

colors, design, france, leica q, paris, people, street art

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Dear Albi,

    again it is a beautiful series illustrating a hidden treasure of Paris I did not know. The pictures are very interesting.

    It would have been very interesting for me to see the same pictures taken just with a Nikon D810 with a 24-120mm mounted on it. The configuration is not very heavy. I am not sure that the pictures would have been different. This a great test to do if you have time.

    I do not see the crispness that I have with my Nikon whether the D4S or the D810. Maybe because the display on a website. Did you try to print some of them?

    Thanks for having shared your thoughts

    • Dear Amar,

      Thanks for your compliments !

      The story is that a Leica Q with a 28mm looks like « nothing » for most people,
      a D810 with a 24-120mm is a « real camera »
      My pictures on this homepage are downsized to 200-300 ko, it‘s quite different on a 27’ display of a Mac –;))
      I will bring this camera to our next trip and you will see and can try it..
      If you have time look at the galleries in

      I would like to do something like this, it’s not a question of crispness, it’s more about the story in the picture, the frame and the composition
      We will talk about that on our next trip, I wish it would be tomorrow–;)))
      Best regards


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