albi would like to take you for a week-end in prague with fred the mouse,
just a different view of travelling to prague, hope you enjoy this trip with fred
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
fred the mouse shows you the charles bridge early in the morning, the beautiful door of the göethe institute, the tram and the moldau, the railway station: a most go, the jewish temple, the lennon wall (since 1980)and and and … there is a lot to do and to see in this nice city, did you know that there is only 2,8 % unemployment ? all pictures by albi with nikon d4s and 24-70 or 70-200 f/2,8…..see you soon with more pictures by albi from prague and soon the first pictures with the nikon d5
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2 Comments. Leave new
Dear Albi,
what a such great idea to use Fred to show us the city of Prague. This a great photo concept. I love the way you have put in place the idea. It is very funny. Thank you very much fo sharing one the best photo idea I have seen in years.
Dear Amar,
thanks a lot for your compliments, because I wasn’t really shure about this concept, since months I was searching for a kind of “fred”,
but it isn’t easy to find somebody different as a playmobil or a barbie doll,
when I saw fred in the window it was like “the first time”…hope he will get an american visa–;)))