rabat morocco pictures from the kasbah of oudayas and the medina by albi

my daugther lives since some weeks in rabat, she rent a flat in the casbah of oudaya,
everything is white, blue and a lot of cats are just infront of the atlanic ocean:
rabat morocco pictures from the kasbah of oudayas
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
all pictures by albi with the nikon d4s, the 24-70 f/2,8 and the 70-200 f/2,8,
the last picture is up to 22 000 iso: thanks to d4s !!
i could stay hours and hours in the old medina, here in rabat you can stroll all the day and noboday takes care, very different to oher places like marrakech, where everybody want to sell you something, this is a very peaceful place! thanks for your visit and see you soon at pictures-by-albi with more stuff from rabat
pictures from the kasbah of oudaya and the medina of rabat
see more at: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasbah_des_Oudayas