my wife has a green hand – help!

karibu to our home, the home of pictures-by-albi,
as you can see on the following pictures she is a kind of “decoration freak”,
behind the house are more than 70 flower pots, inside in winter we have about 150 different kind of pots with green leaves coming out of them and like you can imagine:
she has a special watering-plants-schedule:
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
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my wife has a green hand – help!
i am joking, it’s a very nice place but don’t try to move something, everything has his place, every plant has his watering-schedule, she knows everything about every flower pot……..during i am going upstairs to do my pictures….
all pictures by albi with nikon d4s and nikon 28-70mm f/2.8g
the sculpture in our garden is from:
4 Comments. Leave new
wow, even the tools are arranges as decoration! beautiful.
thanks, gorm, yes even the tools, everything has it’s own place……like in your vw-bus, i don’t have explain you the sense of german’s gründlichkeit,
you see even french have this, but with plants and the flower-pots…
I’ m disagree! Et l arrosoir ” Valerie”, ou est il ?
merci carine, d’avoir cherché l’arrosoir valérie, il a sa place d’honneur devant la porte d’entrée!