cellphone in new-china by albi
on the gif up you see: she is taking her cellphone from her bag….
china has changed ! china is mobile phone and china is connected all day long. this year i was in guangzhou, zhangjiajie, fenghuang (beautiful) and changsha…in all pictures you can see one or more people with the cellphone, on the motocycle, they have no helmet, they don’t care, but they have the handbag and the cellphone in their hand!! they write sms on the motocycle.
my friends have the phone in the right and the powercharger in the left hand. all day long it rings, they phone, they are on the net write sms, receive pictures and make business…..
but i think and please remember: the next problem in china comes with the phone, because everybody is connected, even in the last small town, the next popular movement will come quick and by phone, in some hours all china is up to date if there is something new, something wrong; two years ago it needs some days, now it needs some minutes;
for me china is too connected; future will tell us more!
please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
all pictures with the nikon df, mostly with the 28-300mm; some with the 24-70; but china loves pictures, and they love me, because of my europeen look—-,)))
see you soon with more pictures from this very nice place for photographers…
cellphone in new-china by albi
but here is still a no cell phone generation…