leica q2 new firmware carnaval in paris 14,
with the new leica q2 and his new firmware: much more better in eye-detection;
discover paris in february, the austerlitz railway station, paris 5 and the grandes voisins, an old hospital area
transformed into a new social project: i just falled into the carnaval:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
the new firmare is absolutly welcome on my q2.
the eye detection is much more better but the iso maximum is limited to 10 000.
the main menu at the beginning is just perfect!
by strolling from the austerlitz railway station trough paris 5
place monge till luxembourg garden and finally reached the great social project grandes voisines
(they transformed the old st vincent hospital into a multi culture projet) i just falled into the carnaval.
for my french friends:
Souvenirs de la saison 1 des Grands Voisins
16h à 20h – Atelier Catherine Griss, Cour Robin porte 2
Vernissage : Catherine Griss, artiste photographe, a un atelier aux Grands Voisins depuis plus de 4 ans et en documente l’expérience à travers des images des lieux et ses occupants. Finissage samedi 29 mars. / Expo visible du 3 au 29 mars