the frame project by albi, from porte de vanves (paris) to kerala (india);
how to make portraits different? how to give confidence or trust in people while taken pictures of them?
this was the start of my new project during my stay in southern india:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
there is a flea market in paris, porte de vanves on saturday and sunday morning (much more interesting than the big flea market in the north, porte de clignancourt), where i bought my frame to make real “the frame project by albi” of portraits in india.
i wanted to give more confidence to the people during i took portraits of them.
something to hold or better, something to hide themselve behind and also to find much more easy the contact to the person…
the effect was incredible: i didn’t got any refuse; everything was going very easy, we spoke together about my frame and specially in the school everybody wanted to be behind, or better: in my frame!
framed by albi: india today, real people deserve to be well framed !
it was a kind of staging (mise en scène) of portraits in a beautiful frame, giving them more value of there portraits and there being by using a very nice frame.
i will say thank you to the people of kerala who took part of my game and i had such a nice welcome to my project that i will try to make more portraits like this..
all pictures by albi with my nikon d5 and the 24_70mm f/2.8