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usa: on the road with albi

endless highways...nothing between

usa: on the road with albi:

in all our very deep dreams we wish to be “on the road” and specially in the us….road signs, big trucks, lights,  and endless highways,

feeling freedom and feeling free; the more and more i feel like seeing an illusion: what’s behind all those beautiful landscapes ?

Nothing more than stones and endless “nothing” …a dream of holidays where we like to enjoy but never feel to rest more than 48 hours,

myself feel much better with people, noise, dialogue and having fun!…..enjoy the pictures:

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…

from vegas to monument valley, brice canyon…beautiful places, empty and endless highways…

i love it and would like to be back soon, wide and large landscapes, with just nothing, some stones and some rocks….

…you can not life with a rock, live isn’t only a endless highway, beautiful sky is good and nice for a moment, after you need more,

more sens, more feedback, more background and creation: people, friends, sens and a warm smile!

yes ! perhaps a warm smile from my friend brian? with a glas of champagne (rosé) …..

all pictures by albi with nikon d5 and leica q, thanks for your feedback !

thanks for passing by, did you see all pictures? yes i need more feedback, more real stuff, america is just light, mental light, too easy, too relax, i need more as just disney…

kissssss !!

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