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bnf – library in paris with frida

frida on my hands, frida in my heart

frida on my hands, frida in my heart

the “new” library in paris in the 13th district is four buildings, like standing books, frida and me takes you to a small visit in black and white

frida on my hands, frida in my heart

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…

with my friends and we organised a week-end “black and white” in paris, photographer guided us as the best and we spend a beautiful week-end in paris, not that easy to go and make b&w, but with the help of my new friend frida, we discovered together the new library of paris “bnf” since 1994 !, the girl from shanghai falled in love with frida, we loved the architecture of this place, yes the banana slip and the jack daniel’s wasn’t a real problem, we had a great time! pictures with frida and the nikon d5 and the 24-70mm f:/2/8

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