incredible faces from cuba
you need to see to understand it!
from white-white to black-black cuba has all colors of skin
and i never had the feeling of a splitted population,
a real kind of “benetton community”

please click on the pictures below to see the slide show…
… liked?
the frame on the pictures is from france, a special idea “by albi”, it was funny to got so easy in contact with people only with the frame,
on the other side it’s not easy to carry around…..but to fix some incredible faces from cuba it’s just perfect!
there is also the other face of cuba, not in the faces of the people, but the social face of cuba, the population who doesn’t smile.
my friend william told me: it’s the difficult way of live in cuba, searching to find good meat, good food, or simply soap or shampoo…
having water in the house….try at your next visit to cuba to find a toilette perfect working, not in a four star hotel,
in a guest house or somewhere else…yes, life isn’t easy in cuba, but the people you can see on my pictures are proud and that is what i love in cuba:
people proud to be and that make them so beautiful !!
all pictures by albi with nikon d5